Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hello Again fans and friends,

In reading Deepak Choppras excellent book: AGELESS BODY-TIMELESS MIND, I was able to see what he found to be the most important in Anti-Aging psychology.

It seems that he, in his medical experience, has learned that it's not enough just to delay getting old, it's the quality of that older life that really matters.

What good is it to gain a few more years of longevity if they are sick, painful years for us.? I do not want to become a burden to my children so have paid strict attention to the recomendations he has for us to stay in the "New-Old" ..The new old is when we are 70, we expect to look and feel 50. and why not?

He talks about our INTENTION being clear. That when we place our intention on staying young, we can...The more I read, the more I see that we need to spend a lot of time on the correct attitude.

Have the intention of not stressing out over anything, get happy about what we have and not whining about what we don't have.

Deepak writes about how our cells "know" when we are positive and come to help manifest a happier state of being. I, for one feel that if he is correct in his analysis , then we have something to say about our condition.

May I suggest that you go to Amazon and order the book. I am not pushing for any commission, just that you can follow along with me..I think the book will be around $10 to $12.. Thank you until next time-get positive and get better. Don
Hi again fans, thanks for hanging in there with me. Loyal fans for this old ballplayer. I never told you I was a professional baseball player, did I? well I played for four seasons , secondbase journeyman, fair player, great fun..

Now on to getting in great health with good diet, good exercise, good attitude..

Some of the people I am following are Doctor Deepak Choppra, author of AGELESS BODY-TIMELESS MIND.....Excellent book.

My brother is 80 and going strong still..We both solved the prostate cancer problem. I'll talk about that later.

Short post today. You can post on this Blog if you want to say something..Let's communicate some stuff whats on our minds.....Bye for now rounding third and heading for home

Spring Training is underway, it was always a fun time. Although I stayed in shape all year round.

About Me

Williamsburg, Virginia, United States