Thursday, August 31, 2006

Good Morning to all members of this fine Blogging site..

I just had an idea for you. You can email me and ask any question you may have on this subject. We all are getting older so don't wait too long to ask your questions. Not all at once now, the server may get overloaded and just simply break.

Why don't you click on based on the alphabet...Your last name starts with an "A", you email me on Monday, "B" email me on Tuesday and so on...will be fun..

Northwestern Life Insurance Company has a nice little article out that I'll send to you when I find it again...It's something about clean living and living longer..will be fun to know how long we all have to finish up our duties on this particular earth..

I am designing a web site about commercial real estate. The research shows that there is not a whole lot of interest in that subject but it's all I know about so I can write usiing no notes.. It's all in my head but I need hurry as some cells are going south on me. Cheers and don't forget to keep sending them cards and letters....Until next time, this is Don rounding third and heading for home...Keep sming Jack

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About Me

Williamsburg, Virginia, United States