Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hopefully this little Blog does not turn into a pesonal plea for your sympathy...This is to be in a position to pass on to you all some aging stuff to halp you along the way...

I just got home from having a colonescopy, may be wrong spelling but you know what I am saying. For those of you who are putting off getting this procedure, don't put it off because you have a little fear of Doctors, pain, time lost , etc for whatever reason.

The procedure was a piece of cake, the sedation put me out like a light and it was all over in a very short time. I am lucky, not cancer, no nothing to worry about. The Doctor told me daughter that I would have another ten years to go. I couldn't get it in writing however.

So the lesson for the day is go take care of these little tests and procedures as the Doctors recommend. Took about a day, getting ready and all.

My next procedure won't be quite so easy, it will be a biopsy of the prostate. Afew weeks and that will be over also. They will needle in some radiation pellets directly into the prostate and into any cancer they see hiding in there...

Don't be afraid of getting medical treatment. Heck don't be afraid....

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About Me

Williamsburg, Virginia, United States