Monday, August 07, 2006

I promised you an update on Doctors appointment on the 5th August, well senior moments come and go..The appointment was today the 7th.

My experiences could be of real value to you as you progress through the prostate maze of tips and tricks. The Doctors required records from the first time seen and that was not easy (What the heck is?) Who recalls the original Doctor? I didn't and had to call long distance to get his office for approval to send or call reords..

The office fool there said "After all Mr Stewart, we have a busy office here" My comment was "stuff you busy office and send the freekin records so I can qualify for the new peocedure. There is a time problem here"

Summary simply is that I had to call old friends in Nevada to go by the radiation clinic on some street named some Doctor to get detailed records sent to VA or I would be disqualified..

This sounds like Archie Bunker only worse. More blood dripped from the jagged knife as they drew blood to test..NO it wasn't a jagged knife, it was a little needle and it was ok....

My PSA count is 10.0, if it goes over 15.0 I am disqualified for the new procedure...time hangs heavy over my head, woe is me....

The "prostate saga" continues, it will either work out or it won't. If I get kicked off the deal, at least I'll escape another biopsy- that procedure smarts for sure.

You all hang in there, drink lots of water, stay cool, get some exercise give your spouse a hug. It's going to be allright...keep smilin Jack...

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About Me

Williamsburg, Virginia, United States