Monday, November 20, 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hello fans, thanks for making this blog one of the top blogs on the net, If only in my mind or maybe in my childrens minds, The most visited it is not. I am posting a short essay from one of the best. I don't have his permission so I hope he doen't mind too much...

The Cost of Dying Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The cost of dying in Miami, according to a new study, is $23,000. That money is spent over a six-month period - the last six months. It pays for an average of 46 doctor visits and six days in the ICU. (And there is a 27 percent chance you'll die in the ICU.)It's better in Portland, Oregon, where the cost is only $14,000. It's less expensive in Oregon, because there are fewer trips to the doctor (only 18 compared to 46) and an average of one day in the ICU. Chances of dying in the ICU in Oregon are less too - at 13 percent, less than half what they are in Miami.The question, as Julie Appleby writing in USA Today points out, is how much if any of those extra expenses resulted in better medical care. Did they improve the quality of life during treatment? Did they extend life? And if so, did those extra days have any quality?The study - the Dartmouth Atlas Project (a program at Dartmouth Medical School) - didn't get answers to those questions.But when we are planning our own care in old age or taking care of our aging parents, they are questions that must be asked and answered.I don't have the numbers in reach, but I remember reading that some very large percentage of the money Americans spend on health care is spent for care that takes place in the final two years of life. Judging from the Dartmouth study and from what I've seen personally, most of that money is spent on all the wrong things: wasteful visits to family doctors who offer no help and expensive visits to specialists who charge more money for very expensive, very noxious clinical procedures that reduce the quality of life but seldom extend it.We don't need lots of data to convince us of what we know from experience - that all that expensive chemical and surgical intervention at the end of life improves only the lives of those collecting the bills, not those paying them.Another interesting bit of data I read somewhere: If you remove infant mortality from the equation, what is the average difference between the lifespan of someone from Burkina Faso (a desperately poor landlocked country in western Africa) and someone from the United States?Would you be surprised to learn it is only one year?When you get sick in Burkina Faso, you may see a local doctor or witch doctor who will give you some natural herbs. Then you spend your final year surrounded by family and loved ones. The entire cost of medical care during that critical last year of life is almost certainly less than $100.So, apart from infant mortality, the huge cost of Western medicine is providing only a single year of additional life ... and that year is one spent miserably, shuffling between doctors' offices, hospitals, and clinics. Instead of dying with dignity, as people can still do in the world's poorest countries.
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posted by M. Masterson @ 9:50 AM,

Monday, November 06, 2006

Another excellent recommendation for you......God Bless you all. My brother jost had a stroke and surgery for correction of his blood rehab now..he is 2 years older than I am= Great friend....thanks for your prayers..
Exercise and Natural Hormones!By June M. Lay, Lifestyle Columnist - HealthNewsDigest.comNov 6, 2006, 07:11
Email this article Printer friendly pageExercise and Natural Hormones!
( Do we need another reason to exercise? Well here's one. Exercise has been shown to elicit hormonal responses that may be especially beneficial to us anti-aging " Baby Boomers"! I wrote this tip originally two years ago right before the termination of research due to risks of synthetic Hormonal Replacement Therapy for women, and since the pros and cons about HRT still continue, let's take a look again at exercise, a non debatable natural activity. As we age, our sex organs (both women and men) produce less estrogen and testosterone. In fact, there is an abundance of books on the very subject of perimenopause and menopause for those of us women 40 and over (baby boomers are a major segment of our population). This is the time when our hormones are fluctuating and our ovaries are starting to produce less estrogen which may result in some unpleasant symptoms. Men over 40 may also experience symptoms from reduced testosterone levels such as fatigue. However, our adrenal glands continue to produce small amounts of these vital hormones throughout life. So how does exercise help us when our sex glands are producing less?One study reports that blood levels of estrogen, testosterone and growth hormone were significantly higher in women aged 19-69 years old after 40 minutes of either endurance or resistance exercise versus a control group who performed no exercise! We can see that even the older women produced more anti-aging hormones! The study concluded that "an acute bout of exercise can increase concentrations of anabolic hormones in females across a wide age range"(see source listed below). What does this mean? It means more anti-aging hormones for our muscles, bones and of course among other wonderful benefits, it means glowing news for our skin, energy and mental well-being (let's not forget about our libido)! Other research on the hormonal response to exercise in men, while less conclusive for testosterone levels, showed increases in growth hormone after resistance exercise. What does this mean? Growth Hormone touted as "the" anti-aging therapy treatment some celebrities credit their youthful looks to, increases muscle mass, bone density and reduces body fat. Sounds youthful to me (I'm off to the gym to pump some iron now!)! Now to the point of today's tip, exercise increases circulating sex hormones as well as the touted anti-aging growth hormone which may help to reduce some of those unpleasant effects of aging. And the best news is it does it naturally! Perhaps exercise may aid us women who are unable to take hormone replacement therapy, and perhaps it may help reduce the amount of synthetic hormones for those of us women who do take them. And we do know that increases in levels of estrogen and testosterone both aid calcium absorption which is vital for our bones. So, now we have another great reason to exercise in addition to all the others. Not 40 yet? As we all know, it's never too early to anti-age! So here's to one of "Nature's Fountain of Youth" tool's that is within our reach, exercise! seek advise from your doctor before exercising, and/or changing any drug therapy). Want more info on women's health? Go to The United States Department of Health & Human Services for every health subject A-Z and check out this site Mayo Clinic Women's Health Resource Center -Experts address menopause, gynecological conditions, osteoporosis, and other physical and emotional health issues unique to women.Source: Hormonal responses to endurance and resistance exercise in females aged 19-69 years.Copeland JL, Consitt LA, Tremblay MS.Department of Biology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada. Junefit ranks 2nd at Google for "fitness tips" search out of million of results! Junefit is included in Google's top ranked women's health resources's_Health/Resources/

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hey Fans, You will like this...A Positive note of all of us to ponder and just do for gosh sakes....keep sending them cards and letters as I am rounding third and heading for home...

Anti-Aging – It Makes Perfect SenseDr. Marcy L. Street, M.D.
While there is no way to permanently stop aging - you’re always going to grow older - there are many things we can do to slow it down to look, and feel, our best. And, with all the knowledge about healthy lifestyle choices, nutrition, vitamin supplements and natural bio identical hormone replacement, the time for anti-aging medicine is now.So, the question then becomes: what are you waiting for? The sooner healthy lifestyle choices are made in life, the better. It’s that simple. Consider the following:
Physical activity (about 30 minutes daily), found to be the single greatest protector against death, lowering risk by 37 percent.
Refraining from smoking, cutting the risk by 35 percent.
Following a diet high in fruit, vegetables, and fish, and low in red meat and dairy products (“Mediterranean diet”), reducing risk by 23 percent.
Moderate alcohol consumption (about 4 glasses of wine or equivalent per week), lowering risk of death by 22 percent.A study conducted by researchers found that when older persons (50+) adopted all four measures above, their risk of dying was 65 percent lower over the span of 10 years. That’s very significant. That’s very significant, especially for those of us in the anti-aging medicine field. It’s proof that there is a way to slow down aging and prolong a healthy lifestyle.The Harvard School of Public Health agrees. Experts there declared “there is now enough evidence for the relevant health agencies around the world to act upon.”Around the world, people are seeking medical guidance for ways to stay healthy, active, and vital well into their older years. As a result, the principles of the anti-aging lifestyle are gaining rapid and widespread acceptance as a framework for lifelong habits for healthy living.You see, with age, scientists have observed a variety of declining performance in the body’s leading body systems. These changes, although they may have until now, been considered “natural,” no longer need to be considered inevitable.Those individuals interested in learning more about anti-aging medicine, as well as healthy lifestyle choices, should consult with their dermatologist.
Dr. Marcy L. Street, MD is a Mayo clinic trained, board certified dermatologist, has appeared on numerous television and radio programs as an expert in skin cancer prevention and on anti-aging topics. She lectures nationwide on health and beauty issues relating to skin and hair. For more information contact Dr. Street at
Hey Fans, You will like this...A Positive note of all of us to ponder and just do for gosh sakes....keep sending them cards and letters as I am rounding third and heading for home...

Anti-Aging – It Makes Perfect SenseDr. Marcy L. Street, M.D.
<<> · <<> While there is no way to permanently stop aging - you’re always going to grow older - there are many things we can do to slow it down to look, and feel, our best. And, with all the knowledge about healthy lifestyle choices, nutrition, vitamin supplements and natural bio identical hormone replacement, the time for anti-aging medicine is now.So, the question then becomes: what are you waiting for? The sooner healthy lifestyle choices are made in life, the better. It’s that simple. Consider the following:
Physical activity (about 30 minutes daily), found to be the single greatest protector against death, lowering risk by 37 percent.
Refraining from smoking, cutting the risk by 35 percent.
Following a diet high in fruit, vegetables, and fish, and low in red meat and dairy products (“Mediterranean diet”), reducing risk by 23 percent.
Moderate alcohol consumption (about 4 glasses of wine or equivalent per week), lowering risk of death by 22 percent.A study conducted by researchers found that when older persons (50+) adopted all four measures above, their risk of dying was 65 percent lower over the span of 10 years. That’s very significant. That’s very significant, especially for those of us in the anti-aging medicine field. It’s proof that there is a way to slow down aging and prolong a healthy lifestyle.The Harvard School of Public Health agrees. Experts there declared “there is now enough evidence for the relevant health agencies around the world to act upon.”Around the world, people are seeking medical guidance for ways to stay healthy, active, and vital well into their older years. As a result, the principles of the anti-aging lifestyle are gaining rapid and widespread acceptance as a framework for lifelong habits for healthy living.You see, with age, scientists have observed a variety of declining performance in the body’s leading body systems. These changes, although they may have until now, been considered “natural,” no longer need to be considered inevitable.Those individuals interested in learning more about anti-aging medicine, as well as healthy lifestyle choices, should consult with their dermatologist.
Dr. Marcy L. Street, MD is a Mayo clinic trained, board certified dermatologist, has appeared on numerous television and radio programs as an expert in skin cancer prevention and on anti-aging topics. She lectures nationwide on health and beauty issues relating to skin and hair. For more information contact Dr. Street at

Monday, October 16, 2006

Hi Fans,
look what I found for you down below there, hope and more hope for we who "may" be over the hill...don't ever give up...
Step right up and get a new look and it's only skin deep on most of us...

Cosmeceuticals is what it is and there is a dollar in it!!!
Hang in there fans, there will be another season for us "Hope springs eternal"
One more spring training, just one more...goodnight fans, watch the Mets win the big game tonight over the

The Fountain of Youth' – Not Quite but 'Cosmeceuticals' are Giving People Real Hope

NewswireToday - /newswire/ - Clayton, New Mexico, United States, 10/16/2006 - Products which promote youthful-looking skin have surged in popularity. Not so surprising either - with the front-end of the baby boomers entering their 60’s and not having a mental attitude that will settle for second-best or good-enough.

This is not a generation that readily accepts getting old as a legitimate option.The process of restoring one’s skin to that of a teenager has long been sought. Ever since it was immortalized in the tale of Shangri-la, a magical land where people never aged, people have been willing to try all sorts of remedies to slow the aging process. This fountain of youth mentality is the essence of all the current media-hype over skincare products. And it has resulted in a multi-billion dollar cosmetic industry.With medicine and technology being what it is today, seeking that magic “youth in a bottle” isn’t pure fantasy. The hype that surrounds this topic has started to give way to real science, and the rise of “cosmeceuticals” has given people real hope of slowing the aging of their skin.Cosmetics are products, which merely hide, or create an illusion of beauty by accenting certain features like high cheekbones, lips or eyes, while de-emphasizing other features such as uneven skin texture, lines or rhytids.“Cosmeceuticals”, on the other hand, are products, which actually effect a change in the skin – helping the skin to become healthier and thicker. The process of aging causes a gradual loss and disorganization of elastin and collagen fibers, the supportive matrix of the skin, as well as dehydration. The result is lack of “bounce” or rebound to the skin matrix. The physical appearance is of droopy, thin, wrinkled skin.As an affiliate of, you have the ability to refer a whole range of anti-aging products which go right to the heart of the problem, and address the symptoms of droopy, thin, and wrinkled skin.Products containing DMAE and Alpha Lipoic Acid like the “GreatSkin All in One Serum and Cream” are particularly effective for Anti-Aging. Other products basic to an anti-aging skin care regime are: “GreatSkin Red Tea Extract”, “GreatSkin Peptide Lotion”, “GreatSkin Super Firming Crème”, “GreatSkin Retinol 10X Serum”, and “GreatSkin Retinol Eye Serum."For affiliate marketers who are interested in really helping their customers achieve a more youthful look, these products go a long way towards Shangri-la.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

This is posted as a "heads up" for all of my fans out there. I don't know anything about this and post it only for your benefit "if" if fits you in any way..

God Bless all of you.
Anti-aging clinics arrive in San Luis Obispo
By Sarah Arnquist
Tribune photo by David Middlecamp
Dr. Phillip Borgardt gives Nora Reynoso a mesotherapy facial treatment at his SLO Aging Institute. The treatment injects vitamins into the skin of the patient.
More information about two local doctors practicing anti-aging medicine
Spurred by the popularity of anti-aging clinics in larger cities, two physicians have opened such practices in San Luis Obispo, offering therapies they say reverse the effects of aging and keep people feeling younger, longer.
With 81,000 residents between 45 and 75 — one-third of the population — San Luis Obispo County is fertile ground for anti- aging centers, which usually target wealthier clients.
Dr. Peter Muran moved his Longevity Healthcare Center from Orange County to San Luis Obispo in 2005. Dr. Philip Borgardt closed his internal medicine practice earlier this year and opened the SLO Aging Institute in August. Neither doctor accepts health insurance.
Anti-aging medicine combines diet, exercise, supplements, hormone replacement therapy and cosmetic procedures in attempts to keep people feeling young. While some of these services can be found through other doctors, Muran and Borgardt say their integrated approaches, plus hormone therapy that many doctors don’t provide, can turn back the clock.
"We’ve almost doubled the life expectancy in the last 100 years, and now the question is about quality of life," Borgardt said.
Booming business
The American Medical Association has not taken a position on anti-aging medicine, but critics are surfacing nearly as fast as the practice is growing. The critics warn that no products or therapies have proved to slow or reverse aging and some may be harmful.
In 2002, 51 scientists published a paper in Scientific American magazine denouncing anti-aging medicine’s claims to turn back the clock.
"Our language on this matter must be unambiguous," the scientists wrote. "There are no lifestyle changes, surgical procedures, vitamins, antioxidants, hormones or techniques of genetic engineering available today that have been demonstrated to influence the processes of aging."
The warnings, though, are not stopping Americans from spending their money.
Last year, Americans spent $44.6 billion on anti-aging products, including plastic surgery, cosmetic procedures such as Botox injections and "cosmeceuticals" such as creams with touted anti-aging benefits, according to Business Communications Co. The market research firm expects the market to increase to $72 billion by 2009 as many of the nation’s 78 million baby boomers resist old age.
Anti-aging practitioners are capitalizing on a growing segment of older Americans with disposable income, said Freddi Segal-Gidan, a board member of the California Geriatrics Society and a professor at the University of Southern California’s School of Gerontology.
"In (today’s) society we don’t really respect and revere aging the way other generations have, and I view this as buying into that," Segal-
Gidan said.
Controversial hormone therapy
Besides philosophical differences, some geriatric specialists warn that anti-aging products are poorly regulated and that therapies, especially prescribing human growth hormone, may be harmful.
Anti-aging practitioners defend their use of human growth hormone by pointing to research that shows it builds muscle, thickens skin and reverses signs of aging in older people.
"It is possible to roll back 10 to 15 years in the way someone feels," Borgardt said.
But research also shows that human growth hormone has potentially harmful side effects, and many doctors caution against using it.
Borgardt acknowledges the controversy. He said he prescribes human growth hormone only for patients with proven deficiencies.
Muran and Borgardt are board diplomats of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, a Chicago-based nonprofit with 11,500 members that promotes anti-aging medicine.
The California Medical Board, the state’s physician regulatory agency, does not recognize board certification for anti-aging medicine like it does for other specialties such as geriatrics or endocrinology.
People cannot expect a magic pill to make them live longer or solve their health woes, Borgardt and Muran said. Exercise, diet and other lifestyle choices, such as smoking and drinking, are the greatest determinants of good health and longevity, but many people need hormone replacement therapy to maximize their health, they said.
Not all their patients are older, either. Borgardt said his youngest patient receiving anti-aging remedies is 38. And they are willing to pay for the services he provides.
Nora Reynoso, 44, paid $1,200 for three mesotherapy facial treatments at Borgardt’s office. Mesotherapy injects vitamins and antioxidants into the face to tighten it.
After the 45-minute treatment she received during her lunch break, Reynoso patted her cheeks and said she could feel the difference in firmness. She and her friends are willing to pay to look and feel young, she said.
"I think it’s important to stay young looking," Reynoso said.
Based on his patient satisfaction, Borgardt predicts that in five years anti-aging medicine will be considered mainstream. Muran agreed.
"People are going to demand that extra youth or longevity in their life," Muran said.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

We can learn from everywhere, from everyone..Check this out would say the other generation:

Thomas Perls 'Takes Five'
6 ways to go the distance to centenarian
Posted: Oct. 3, 2006
Thomas Perls is an expert on aging, specifically on the lives and times of those who are 100 and older. There are some 50,000 centenarians in America, and more are on the way as baby boomers move closer to retirement. Perls, 46, associate professor of medicine and geriatrics at Boston Medical Center, is among the authors of a groundbreaking study of centenarians, "Living to 100, Lessons in Maximizing Your Potential At Any Age." He will speak Oct. 11 at the Italian Community Center. His keynote address is part of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee College of Health Science lecture series "Critical Knowledge in Health Care." Perls spoke with Journal Sentinel reporter Bill Glauber.

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Takes Five

Thomas Perls
Q. The first question is an easy one. How can we live to be 100?
A. Six things actually, and they conform to an acronym I've put together: A-G-E-I-N-G.
A is for attitude, having an attitude that makes you both optimistic about your aging as well as the ability to manage your stress well.
G is genetics. Take a look at the longevity in your family. If people are passing away in their 90s and older, that is very good news. On the other hand, if people pass away in their 60s and 70s, alarm bells are ringing.
E is exercise. It's important as we get older not just to do regular exercise but to emphasize strength training. That is less strenuous on the body, but the impact is even better.
I is for interest. Not just exercising your muscles but exercising your brain, doing things novel and complex, perhaps leads to delaying the onset of Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.
N is nutrition, and mostly that is around having a diet to maintain a healthy weight.
G is certainly get rid of the smoking and anti-aging quackery. You absolutely cannot smoke cigarettes. The other is . . . not falling for all the hucksterism on the Web about things that are purported to stop aging.
Q. Is there an outer age limit that the human species cannot pass and, if so, why?
A. I think the oldest person ever, which defines the human life span, Jeanne Calment, who died at 122 in 1997. She defines what the human life span is. Could someone live slightly older than that? I suspect in the next 30 to 40 years, we might see an individual live a few years longer.
Q. What triggered your interest in the study of centenarians?
A. I'm a geriatrician, so it was in . . . my geriatrics fellowships that I had the opportunity to take care of a couple of centenarians who were in exceptionally good shape, which really opened my eyes that there is a group of people who age quite differently than the rest of us.
Q. You've been a stern opponent of the use of human growth hormone as an anti-aging aid. Why?
A. There is a lot of evidence to show that growth hormone is bad for you and may well accelerate aging rather than decelerate.
Q. On the web site, there is a life expectancy calculator. How did you rate and have you made plans yet for how and where you'll celebrate your 100th birthday?
A. I'm 96 is my latest calculation. And where (I would be at 100) would be as a retired physician for the Indian Health Service in the southwestern United States. I'm a big believer in doing something totally different when I'm around age 60, when I'm shooting for a second career.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

BodyLogicMD Offers Botox, Hormone Therapy and Skin Care Services
Chicago Practice Combines Medical and Holistic Approach
CHICAGO, IL -- (MARKET WIRE) -- October 03, 2006 -- With new medspas, skin care clinics and anti-aging centers opening every day, there are more choices than ever in reversing or preventing the signs of aging.
With Botox™ being one of the most popular treatments for those wanting to decrease the look of visible lines and wrinkles, doctors are quickly adding the procedure and offering it to their patients. But these doctors do not all have the specialty of hormone therapy under their belt, which can greatly improve the look and feel of skin when combined with Botox™.
Dr. Paul Savage of BodyLogicMD, a national network of doctors specializing in hormone therapy and skincare, is leading the pack by offering a skin treatment program that combines Botox™ with hormone therapy.
"While Botox™ is great for treating lines and wrinkles, integrating it with hormone therapy will produce an overall improvement in the skin," says Dr. Savage, the Chief Medical Officer of both Chicago-area BodyLogicMD offices and co-founder of BodyLogicMD. "As the Botox is smoothing the face and giving it a younger appearance, the hormone therapy is treating aging skin by adding hydration, improving collagen and elastins -- and balance from the inside out."
With the skin being the largest organ in the body and one of the most important, balanced hormones are crucial to healthy skin. By offering a complete package of skin care and hormone evaluations, Dr. Savage is able to treat skin problems from a superficial approach, while simultaneously treating the multiple causes of hormonal imbalances.
"Here at BodyLogicMD, we believe in a holistic approach to skin care," says Dr. Savage. "We use medical grade skin care formulas integrated with organic skin care lines and organic microdermabrasion."
The Experts
Trained under Dr. Savage are two expert aestheticians treating patients with BodyLogicMD skin services. Susan Anthony has been a leader in the aesthetics industry for the past ten years. Originally from Burmouth, England, Susan trained at one of the most prestigious schools in England where she mastered the art of skin care and nutrition. Her natural leadership skills have led her to work with some of the most world-renowned board-certified plastic surgeons.
At BodyLogicMD, Susan is committed to provide her clients not only the spa experience, but also an education that the true quality of skin care is a culture from within. "Beautiful skin is a balance of external procedures and lifestyle choices including nutrition, exercise and spirit," Susan explains.
Justyna Leniartek has been a leader in the beauty industry for more than ten years. She found her passion for making others look and feel beautiful when she started to have problems with her own skin, and became fascinated with skin care. She then decided to get her aesthetician's license and passionately embarked on a career in helping others achieve beautiful, healthy skin. Throughout her career as a skin care specialist, Justyna worked for many prominent institutions, including several board-certified plastic surgeons, where she became educated in medical aesthetics.
Today, Justyna has taken her experience and knowledge to BodyLogicMD where she is dedicated to providing the best possible service to each client. "Our mission is not only to provide the best customer service in the industry," Justyna explains, "but to educate and customize a unique program designed specifically for that client. Skincare is a lifestyle, and we want to stress that to everyone who comes through our doors."
About Dr. Paul Savage
Dr. Paul Savage is the founder of BodyLogicMD, a nationwide network of physicians specializing in bioidentical hormone therapy. Dr. Savage received his medical degree from the University of Michigan and is double board certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He owns the Chicago-based BodyLogicMD practices.
About BodyLogicMD
Founded in 2003, BodyLogicMD offers bioidentical hormone therapy, nutrition and fitness to women and men. Its nationwide network of anti-aging physicians helps those suffering from hormonal imbalance, menopause and andropause. BodyLogicMD Chicago and locations include:
150 E. Huron Street, Suite 802
Chicago, IL 60611
For appointments and information call (866) 535-2563
384 E. Irving Park Road
Roselle, IL 60172
For appointments and information call (866) 535-2563
For more information visit

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Hello Fans- I found this super, cool, killer web information for you, we have some cross generational words slipped in here. Enjoy this and I'll see you on the next page, This is Don rounding third and heading for home. Hope I don't have to slide.

How to Win the Anti Aging Battle
Download this press release as an Adobe PDF document.
For people who are young at heart and who want to remain ageless, there’s a new website to help them look young, feel young and be young. will help people to remain naturally ageless without using expensive supplements or undergoing uncomfortable surgery.
(PRWEB) September 18, 2006 -- Want to slow down or even reverse the aging process? And look younger, feel younger and be younger? The advances in healthcare have led to more people living longer. But everybody wants to look young and feel young! The good news is that it is possible to win the anti aging battle without spending a fortune on unnatural treatments. That’s the promise of, a new, all-natural website specifically tailored towards people who want to remain ageless.
Helvetica, sans-serif; TEXT-DECORATION: none" href="" alt="Link to website">We realized very quickly that looking young is only one part of the anti aging process. Many people look young but appear old. This is down to lifestyle, especially factors like stress and atrophy. Looks don’t make stress any easier to bear – or diminish the massive impact it has on aging. If people want to remain ageless, they have to look at their whole lifestyle. What is the anti aging battle all about? Many people believe that as each year passes, the body shows the effects of aging. Not only do our bodies age, but our minds age too and gradually, aging takes its toll on appearance and on our capabilities to effectively perform the many tasks involved in daily life.But is this inevitable? I mean, as we grow older and live longer, is there simply nothing we can do to stop the deterioration in looks and declining mental function?Supplements are one of the most widely used anti aging treatments to help people look and feel young. There is a myriad of supplements on the market today, each claiming to be the elusive "elixir of youth". However, taking several anti aging supplements every day can be an expensive way to remain ageless. Most manufacturers recommend dosages of around 2-3 tablets every day. But following this dosage for each supplement on the market is an expensive pursuit and would achieve little more than a lighter bank balance and a rattling sound after all the pills have been consumed!More importantly, there isn’t one anti aging supplement available that is proven to be effective in combating the aging process. Supplements appear to make an attractive, convenient and effortless anti aging solution. But the truth is that they appeal to people who search for a "magic bullet" and rarely will one be found that delivers on its promise of eternal youth.Cosmetic surgery is another anti aging treatment employed by many people. And although the surgeon’s knife can cut away the effects of aging upon the body, it is a somewhat drastic, uncomfortable and extremely expensive solution to looking younger. Many people simply cannot afford to spend thousands of hard-earned dollars on cosmetic surgery. Another problem is that surgery only affects one aspect of aging – physical appearance. Looking young is only one part of the anti aging battle – and it isn’t the most important.So if anti aging supplements and cosmetic surgery aren’t the best anti aging treatments, is there anything else that can be done?There certainly is. Because the aging process isn’t inevitable. There is no single gene inside our bodies that controls how we age. This means that the aging process is accelerated by a number of habits and behaviors performed regularly so it’s really lifestyle that determines how rapidly people age. From this, it’s easy to see that a single "magic bullet" solution to aging isn’t really a viable prospect and instead, a number of simple but effective strategies applied to our daily living can and will help us look younger, feel younger and be younger.Chris Green, editor of - a new website that provides tools, resources and information for people who want to look young, feel young and be young - says people are becoming more aware of how their lifestyle is the most important factor in the battle against aging."We realized very quickly that looking young is only one part of the anti aging process. Many people look young but appear old. This is down to lifestyle, especially factors like stress and atrophy. Looks don’t make stress any easier to bear – or diminish the massive impact it has on aging. If people want to remain ageless, they have to look at their whole lifestyle."So how can people start winning the battle against premature aging?Step One: Understand how the aging process works and how, in particular, certain habits and behaviors accelerate aging.Step Two: Identify the factors present in daily lifestyle that cause premature aging. This will mean looking at many aspects of lifestyle: Work, relationships, social life, hobbies, fitness, diet.Step Three: Start making small adjustments to daily life to eliminate as many of the aging factors as possible.Step Four: Make simple changes, gradually, to lifestyle and incorporate as many anti aging strategies as possible each and every day. Step Five: Maintain the new anti aging lifestyle and enjoy looking young, feeling young and being young!"Our motto on the website is Young In Mind, Young In Body and Young In Spirit. Because we believe successful aging isn’t just about looking young – it’s about BEING young and no supplement or surgery can provide that."Remaining ageless can be a lot of fun and it needn’t be complicated or expensive. A few companies, such as are offering subscribers information and tools to help them live a young, happy life and there are free samples on the website to help people get started immediately on winning the anti aging battle.Chris Green sums it up nicely: "We don’t have to get old before our time anymore. We can stay younger for longer – it’s our choice now."For more anti aging information, education, samples and resources about how to remain young in mind, young in body and young in spirit, visit


Friday, September 15, 2006

Wow, I placed what I thought was a photograph of me for my many fans but alas there appeared a picture of my GRANDFATHER. So naturally I didn't want anyone to see the real me, so I deleted the picture.ah ah vanity still lives...

Today is Friday finally, the days seem to run together when we are having fun don't they?
Ya know some clear thinking person will come up with a restaurant and call it TGIF Fridays...will most likely be a huge hit with the boomer generation. ya think?

This month is officially "Prostate Month" I guess to call attention to a disease for what can we do about it? Lets all call our friends and tell them about it.

I saw a half page ad in the USAToday paper from a pharmecutcal company touting a new pill. These advertising guys and gals are really something. They will do most anything to make a buck. "Hey guys" Prostate cancer is on sale this month, hurry before we sell out of this new pill" Use your credit card.

I think it's about time for a good cup-o-coffee, don't you?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Welcome back Don, thank you ,it's nice to be back. I have missed you all. Those cards and letters keep on coming.
You have been wondering "what has happened to "smilin Jack"? The all american boy..The boy is now a man who has the usual things going on.
Biggest thing is that the doctors at the VA have decided not to include me in any study to shoot radiation into my prostate. I like the story of "Smilin Jack" and "The shadow", any of you rtemember the shadow? The shadow knows what evil lurks in the heart of man.Old radio shows were good years ago.
The doctors observed that the rewards were not worth the additional risks, so instead gave me a big needle in my stomach to insert some sort of hormone.
I will get a shot every 3 months, expensive but will live longer. "who knows?"
The main purpose of telling you this stuff is that some of you may have the same disease. Cancer is not too good for people.
At age 77 I expect about 6 to 8 years to go. I am working on building a web site and it's a lot of frustration but fun...
The cancer will be begine. The spell check on this PC came up with bikini for that word....begignem begine or just not worth worrying about right now.

So friends and neighbors, keep them cards and letters coming..and keep smilin Jack ...rounding third and heading for home...Love to you all...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Good Morning to all members of this fine Blogging site..

I just had an idea for you. You can email me and ask any question you may have on this subject. We all are getting older so don't wait too long to ask your questions. Not all at once now, the server may get overloaded and just simply break.

Why don't you click on based on the alphabet...Your last name starts with an "A", you email me on Monday, "B" email me on Tuesday and so on...will be fun..

Northwestern Life Insurance Company has a nice little article out that I'll send to you when I find it again...It's something about clean living and living longer..will be fun to know how long we all have to finish up our duties on this particular earth..

I am designing a web site about commercial real estate. The research shows that there is not a whole lot of interest in that subject but it's all I know about so I can write usiing no notes.. It's all in my head but I need hurry as some cells are going south on me. Cheers and don't forget to keep sending them cards and letters....Until next time, this is Don rounding third and heading for home...Keep sming Jack

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hopefully this little Blog does not turn into a pesonal plea for your sympathy...This is to be in a position to pass on to you all some aging stuff to halp you along the way...

I just got home from having a colonescopy, may be wrong spelling but you know what I am saying. For those of you who are putting off getting this procedure, don't put it off because you have a little fear of Doctors, pain, time lost , etc for whatever reason.

The procedure was a piece of cake, the sedation put me out like a light and it was all over in a very short time. I am lucky, not cancer, no nothing to worry about. The Doctor told me daughter that I would have another ten years to go. I couldn't get it in writing however.

So the lesson for the day is go take care of these little tests and procedures as the Doctors recommend. Took about a day, getting ready and all.

My next procedure won't be quite so easy, it will be a biopsy of the prostate. Afew weeks and that will be over also. They will needle in some radiation pellets directly into the prostate and into any cancer they see hiding in there...

Don't be afraid of getting medical treatment. Heck don't be afraid....

Monday, August 07, 2006

I promised you an update on Doctors appointment on the 5th August, well senior moments come and go..The appointment was today the 7th.

My experiences could be of real value to you as you progress through the prostate maze of tips and tricks. The Doctors required records from the first time seen and that was not easy (What the heck is?) Who recalls the original Doctor? I didn't and had to call long distance to get his office for approval to send or call reords..

The office fool there said "After all Mr Stewart, we have a busy office here" My comment was "stuff you busy office and send the freekin records so I can qualify for the new peocedure. There is a time problem here"

Summary simply is that I had to call old friends in Nevada to go by the radiation clinic on some street named some Doctor to get detailed records sent to VA or I would be disqualified..

This sounds like Archie Bunker only worse. More blood dripped from the jagged knife as they drew blood to test..NO it wasn't a jagged knife, it was a little needle and it was ok....

My PSA count is 10.0, if it goes over 15.0 I am disqualified for the new procedure...time hangs heavy over my head, woe is me....

The "prostate saga" continues, it will either work out or it won't. If I get kicked off the deal, at least I'll escape another biopsy- that procedure smarts for sure.

You all hang in there, drink lots of water, stay cool, get some exercise give your spouse a hug. It's going to be allright...keep smilin Jack...

Friday, August 04, 2006

Have a good suggestion for you. There are many great sites and forums on the Net talking about our subject. Anti aging, wellness, senior help on a wide variety to topics.

Yoy might want to go to Google, find Google Alerts and insert the words anti aging.

Google will send you an Email on the subject as frequently as you designate.

Great service...Keep smiling, exercise (out of the heat) think positive thoughts, just shove the negative stuff away....there is no time for weeping about anything..

Check back soon, I'll be finding some reading for you...All the best to you...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A couple of items for you today. Both good:

One, a visit to the Veterans Clinic in Richmond was highlighted by a sign I could not walk by without stopping to look. The sign said "We can here see the cost of freedom by looking around \"

There were the usual guys in wheelchairs and some with canes, most looking old and worn down to dust.

Our freedom in our country was paid for by these people and all of those who never made it back from the wars.

A friend wrote to me today to remind me that While God died to save our souls, these soldiers suffered and some died perserving our freedom. The cost of freedom is not cheap.

Second item for you is that I will be able to report first hand of a fairly new method of treating prostate cancer. I didn't read this in some medical periodical
easily found on the internet. I got this from the Doctor at the VA who asked if I wanted to be part of a fairly new procedure in treating prostate cancer as opposed to taking some sort of hormone shots.

After a biopsy (second one now) they will insert some radiation directly into my prostate. The procedure requires patients who meets certain profile requirements.

I mention this to you as you or a family member (friend) might be looking at something similiar and could benefit from my experience. I'll ask if I can give some more detailed information during a doctors meeting scheduled for August 5th, 2006.

Keep tuned, I'll be back with the rest of the story.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Stop for a moment and think about this- It will do you good as it did me- God Bless-

Today Is The Best Day By Author Unknown We sat on the swing enjoying the warm summer air, truly without a care in the world. Cody, my 6-year-old nephew laughed, as he swung higher than me. His laugh made me smile. Afterwards, we went for a walk, looking at the gardens. As we were walking, Cody looked up at me and said, "Today is the best day!" I smiled at him and replied, "Yes, it is a great day." I then started thinking about what had we done that day? We didn't really do anything special; there was nothing that wedid that cost any money. It was a simple where we talked, went for walks, and swung on the swing. So often, we wait for our "best days" without realizing that"today is our best day". Or we say, "when I get this", or, "if only this", or, "when I have more money, I will", and weforget to live every day, enjoying today. We should be more like children; they truly live in the moment! They don't need expensive things to make them happy;they don't use the phrase, "if only", or, "when I get this",or, "when I have more money". There is a saying, "Carpe Diem" which means, "Seize the Day".As we get older, we need to remember this saying and enjoy each and every day. Keep your child like attitude of "livingeach moment to its fullest"!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Another post from Don-just for you.
While pondering over this short communication on my subject of senior wellness, anti aging, exercise for older folks that helps stay limber, general nutrition, etc I came up with this:
We can help others by having empathy for their aches and pains and understanding what they are experiencing on a daily basis, right? Well poor me has had a stroke, prostate cancer, looks like some colon problems, a degenerating shoulder and knee deal, thinning hair, low energy level. What else- cheeze, enough already. Cheeze and crackers shut me up if I ever complain ever again.
With anything else, having aged over 77 years, I am probably like many other people trying to keep on keeping on without too much bitching and complaining.
"Hey, how are you today" is usually not meant to be a question wanting a long answer. It's just a way we communicate love to each other. But many of us launch into "Well let me tell you about this pain and that ache, surely you are very interested"
I am truly making an all-out effort to be happy and normal ANYWAY and not burden anyone with whinning. That what this Blog is mostly about- Suck it up folks and get on with what God has given us. Try real hard now and find just one little thing to be happy about. There you go, you thought of what beautiful children you have, a spouse good and true most of the time...........
How can we discipline ourselves to shut up? One way is to look around us and see others: I found this while moaning and groaning getting up. Thought you might agree with me about becomming more aware of those less fortunate that ourselves, This is from a web browser firm that I use and like a lot. Take a quick read and give me a big smile and a slow nod...Good for you.
Flockstar Profile: Christopher Ryan Posted: 10 Jul 2006 11:48:52 -0500A few weeks ago a gentleman by the name of Christopher Ryan posted a message in our Community Forum. Christopher is great - not only has he given us a new way to look at the product we build, but he's also offered to help us out in many ways. This guy is a real Flockstar.
my name is christopher ryan, and i'm a spasdic quadreplegic with cerebral palsy. in laymans terms that means both my legs are useless and my right arm is equally as difficult. the bottom line is that i only have one arm, one hand, and five fingers capable of generating the movements necessary to be successful behind a keyboard and mouse. Christopher tells us what the stake are for technology and people with disabilities.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Welcome back to my blog, glad you made it back from the first post. With your permission we are going to discuss some facinating stuff. A quick background first, after reading every book I could find in my first 70 years) about living a good, long life, I found this subject well covered in Deepak Chopras excellent book, AGELESS BODY-TIMELESS MIND.

Deepak suggests that there is an alternative to growing old. Have you ever thought about the fact that we cannot get any younger but we sure can get a lot older. My interest , and I hope yours, is to search for the answers to that the question, "NOT how to stop aging but how to enjoy the time we have here on earth. (and to help our families have a good long life in the process)

One pundit, who I will introduce later, wrote that "In order to live a good , happy and healthy lifetime, we need to have some purpose in our lives. He observed that there must be something more than ourselves to live for such as Helen Keller and Mother Theresa did.

You are invited to comment on these observations with your own ideas and suggestions. Thank you.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Blog is being edited- Please be patient. It will be of some real value...

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Williamsburg, Virginia, United States